Monday, May 12, 2014

DAY 1 - 30 Day Challenge

I thought this was going to be way more difficult after a trip to see my favorite people in Chicago and then attending the Arbonne Training Conference in Vegas!! Luckily, today has been OK!

Breakfast: Vanilla shake with banana
Lunch: Vanilla shake
Dinner: Cheerios cereal with low fat milk
Snack: 4 of these peanut butter coconut balls throughout the day (omg so good and "semi" healthy!?), an Oskri coconut dark chocolate bar
Exercise: not really, allergies kickin' my butt!
Feel: Feeling bloated from the Chicago/Vegas trip but besides allergies (or getting sick, not sure which) pretty good!!

Here's the pics I promised... UGH! :( NOT happy. But it's Day 1 and I'm on my way!

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