Saturday, January 25, 2014

SeaSource Detox Spa Fortifying Hair Mask

SeaSource Detox Spa Fortifying Hair Mask

For years I have been using Loreal Professional hair products (which are NOT cheap), and as I mentioned in my other post, I recently started getting breakouts, frizzy-ness, breakage from my flatiron... very strange it seemed sort of all of a sudden.

So in conjunction with the Arbonne Intelligence Daily, Self-Adjusting Shampoo with Tea Tree Oil I use the Fortifying Hair Mask as a daily/everyother day conditioner. I use a pretty good dolop of it - size of a tiny tomato... a bit bigger than a cherry tomato maybe?

Typically I wash my hair every day and I color/highlight every other month so needless to say, my poor hair is probably already hanging on by a thread! When I started breaking out and having frizzies I kept washing every day and switched just the shampoo to Suave Daily Clarifying.. this helped with breakouts. I continued using the Loreal masque as a conditioner because of how dry my hair felt... an endless, vicious cycle.

Since using Arbonne's Tea Tree Oil Shampoo and the Fortifying Hair Mask I have noticed I'm able to skip a day here and there of washing and not feeling greasy. I can't tell you how happy I am to sleep in those extra 20 minutes before getting ready :)

To get this product go to and search for the product name in bold above!

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