Tuesday, February 25, 2014

SHAKE it up!

I know i know that title is just cheesy but that's me...(sy)!!
Anyway.... doing some research on protein shakes today comparing Arbonne Protein Shake to some others I have heard about others using.

The most interesting things I found:

  • Arbonne's use of pea, cranberry & rice protein creates a more "animal like" protein that your body can benefit from. This is why Arbonne's Protein Shake is one of the top in protein grams (20g per serving!)
  • The pea, cranberry & rice protein also allows Arbonne to be gluten free and vegan!
  • The sugar that is used in Arbonne's Protein Shake is plant based... not GMO, fructose, or (god-forbid) Aspartame  :P
  • Arbonne's Protein Shake is low in sugar to avoid spikes in blood sugar level
  • Many other protein shakes are made from Whey which is naturally gluten free, however, others shakes use glutamide which is derived from wheat so keep an eye out for that if you are celiac or gluten sensitive!
  • Arbonne's Protein Shake is $65 (you can get 20%-35% off :)) however you get a big bag of 47.6 oz whereas other shakes are sold at around 22oz. If you do the math you are really
  • Check if your protein shake contains silicon dioxide!!! This is silica - like those little packets used when they ship stuff or what they use to mix cement!!! If it contains silicon dioxide get rid of it!
  • Arbonne's Protein Shake does NOT contain maltodextrin

Click this image to enlarge!
click me click me!

FYI, Not here to bash others just inform!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost

Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost

Well... let's just say when using daily, consistantly, you can notice a difference :)
Especially if you do not use any fiber supplement or eat enough fiber during the day! Completely tasteless; very finely ground to powder and will dissolve in anything!

Add to yogurt, Arbonne Protein Shake Mix - Vanilla or Chocolate, coffee... anything!

To get this product go to TheTerrys.myarbonne.com and search for the product name in bold above!

Protein Shake Mix

Protein Shake Mix - Vanilla or Chocolate

LOVE, luv, <3, luuuuurve the protein shakes! It's filling, tasty and super easy to make!

Definitely use a shaker with a whisk ball (like the Arbonne Protein Shaker Cup) or a Bullet blender (for one shake, full size blender for two!)

I like it best with the 9oz of water, 2 scoops of protein powder (sometimes 1 vanilla 1 chocolate) and then about a cup of crushed ice. Also a great way to get your fiber in when adding the Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost!

There's a ton of recipes you can use to "jazz" them up too! 

To get this product go to TheTerrys.myarbonne.com and search for the product name in bold above!

Arbonne Baby Care (ABC)

Arbonne Baby Care (ABC)

I have heard from many reps that the baby care line is great for eczema (and OF COURSE for babies and sensitive skin :)

Stay tuned for my real results as friends are trying it now!

To get this product go to TheTerrys.myarbonne.com and search for the product name in bold above!